Title: Legal-Info for Sudoku Game Assistant API Service 1. Overview This document outlines the legal information and compliance details for the Sudoku Game Assistant API Service, which is designed to provide support to users playing Sudoku games. This API service is being submitted for review in accordance with OpenAI's Plugin Policies: https://platform.openai.com/docs/plugins/review and Usage Policies: https://openai.com/policies/usage-policies#plugin-policies. 2. Service Description The Sudoku Game Assistant API Service is an AI-powered application that helps users solve Sudoku puzzles by providing suggestions, hints, and solving strategies. The service is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not designed to be used in a competitive setting or for cheating. 3. Compliance with OpenAI Policies 3.1 Data Collection and Storage The Sudoku Game Assistant API Service complies with OpenAI's data usage policies. User input data, including Sudoku puzzles and their respective solutions, are not stored or shared with any third parties. Personal information, such as usernames or contact details, is not collected or retained by the service. 3.2 User Consent Users must agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of the Sudoku Game Assistant API Service before using the application. These policies detail the data collection and usage practices, as well as the user's rights and responsibilities. By agreeing to these terms, users provide their informed consent for the processing of their data as outlined in the policies. 3.3 Intellectual Property The Sudoku Game Assistant API Service respects the intellectual property rights of others and does not infringe upon any copyrights or trademarks. The service uses only original content and does not contain any copyrighted materials from Sudoku puzzle books, websites, or apps. 3.4 Prohibited Content and Use The Sudoku Game Assistant API Service adheres to OpenAI's Usage Policies and does not promote, facilitate, or condone any prohibited content or activities, such as illegal or harmful content, harassment, or discrimination. Users found engaging in such behavior will be banned from using the service. 4. Privacy Policy Abstract 4.1 No Collection of User Identity Information The Sudoku Game Assistant API Service does not collect any user identity information, such as names, email addresses, or phone numbers. 4.2 Limited Data Collection and Usage The service only collects information related to the user's in-game actions, such as key inputs for solving Sudoku puzzles. This data is solely used to improve the user experience and the functionality of the service. It will never be published, shared, or sold to third parties. 5. Liability and Disclaimer The Sudoku Game Assistant API Service is provided on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind. The service's developers and operators are not responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of the service. Users assume full responsibility for their actions while using the service. 6. Contact Information For any questions, concerns, or feedback related to the Sudoku Game Assistant API Service, please contact the service's support team at [hello@chat-sudoku-api.bricks.cool]. By submitting the Sudoku Game Assistant API Service for review, the developer acknowledges and agrees to abide by OpenAI's Plugin Policies and Usage Policies.